Freelance Musicians' Association
The Quiet Majority

Freelance Musicians

A Reality Check .....

  • Freelance musicians may represent as high as 80% of the AFM's (American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada) total membership.

  • Freelance musicians contribute at least 35% of the AFM's total annual revenues.

  • Freelance musicians continue to leave the AFM at alarming rates.

  • Tens of thousands of non-member freelance musicians continue to work professional gigs without AFM representation.

  • Freelance musicians are the most under serviced segment of the AFM's current membership.

  • The AFM's future strength lies in its ability to become a truly inclusive Union.

  • The AFM's membership must mirror today's real world music business.

  • Increased AFM Organizing and Education efforts must include a strong commitment to the values of "collective action" where the possibility of a collective agreement is not present.

  • Increased AFM public relations efforts are required to inform non-members and the general public of the AFM's existence.

  • It's time to "get serious" about increasing efforts to identify and address the concerns of freelance members.

Not a member of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States & Canada? Read: Why Join the AFM - Good question - Great reasons

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